Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Event Description: Rapid advances in brain science and neurotechnology will reverberate far beyond the lab and hospital. In this event, Dr. Francis Shen explored the intersection of neuroscience and law, one of many emerging “Neuroscience and Society” (NeuroX) fields. Neurolaw offers the promise of leveraging improved understanding of neural circuitry to produce a more effective and just legal system, but also ushers in the peril of utilizing brain science to reinforce structural inequities. Dr. Shen provided an overview of the field, including topics such as: brain-based lie detection, neuroscientific evidence in the courts, addiction, memory, developing brains, and aging brains. Dr. Shen also discussed the importance of community engaged practices in neurolaw research and practice.
In addition, this event served as an opportunity to explore more broadly the landscape of Neuroscience and Society careers. NeuroX fields such as neuroethics, neuroeconomics, neuroarchitecture, neuromusic, neuromarketing, educational neuroscience (and more!) are now emerging. Because these fields are new, it’s not easy to know how to pursue a career in neuroscience and society.
This event was an opportunity to learn more about the new Dana Foundation Career Network in Neuroscience & Society (neuroXcareers.org).
Event Recording
Event Flyer